NAVIGO - National Fisheries Museum

The Coast

Nestled in a pretty verdant corner in the heart of the village of Oostduinkerke, the NAVIGO Museum offers a warm welcome to those who want to discover the history of sea fishing and of Flemish coastal fishing industry. You will learn all about fishing on foot and about the famous horseback shrimp fishermen. Oostduinkerke is also the only place where the unique and ancestral tradition of fishing on horseback is still intensively carried out. The rich collection of the museum is presented in a beautiful décor and is interactive. Young and old alike can participate in different activities that make this visit to the museum a passionate experience.

Visitors can write and send a message in Morse code or experience a (semi) true storm. An underwater world is simulated under the OD.1 Martha fishing boat. The atmospheric North Sea Aquariums invite you to discover their residents and to caress them. The museum collection brings together heritage, art, craftsmanship as well as the rich nature of the North Sea. And to bring your visit to a relaxing end, take some time to wind down in the "Estaminet de Peerdevisscher", the museum café.


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